Corporate clients (and individuals associated with our corporate clients)

Collecting personal data

PwC only requests personal data from its clients that is necessary to ensure fulfillment of purposes the parties agreed on.

If clients share personal data of their employees, contractors, clients or other persons with PwC Turkey so that PwC Turkey can provide professional services, they should carry out all legal requirements including, but not limited to, informing the relevant persons of the purpose and scope of the data processing activities PwC Turkey carries out and the foreseen disclosure of personal information and obtaining the consent of these relevant persons. Clients can direct this statement to relevant people for them to refer.

Personal data categories that is processed in relation to the services provided:




risk management

transaction security

legal transaction


Client  transactions

physical location security

Visual or audio records

work experience

association membership

foundation membership

union membership

medical information

Criminal conviction record and safety measures



Processing personal data

PwC Turkey processes personal data for the purposes below:

1. Providing professional services

PwC Turkey provides a wide variety of professional services. For more information about our services, please click here.

To provide services and prepared deliverables it may be necessary to process personal data. For instance, we examine payroll data as part of an audit process, and we use personal data to provide global mobility, tax and pensions services.

The personal data processed within the each legal grounds stated below:

  • execution of a contract,
  • legal obligations
  • stipulations in laws,
  • imperative data processing to establish, use or protect a right,

In order to process sensitive personal data, there must be relevant laws stipulating to this processing or explicit consent must be provided.

1. Administration, management and development of businesses and services

PwC Turkey processes personal data to carry out its businesses and professional services and for the following purposes:

  • for planning and executing data access authorizations of partners and/or suppliers and managing relationships with partners and/or suppliers;
  • to ensure that data is accurate and up-to-date;
  • to analyse trends, including those related to PwC management, generating criteria concerning services provided, relationship maps, sales intelligence and processes responding to commercial account targets;
  • when using and updating IT systems, managing accounts, updating internal financial reporting and providing IT services (including storing, hosting, maintenance and support activities);
  • when executing processes and operations, finance operations, communications, market research and social responsibility activities and purchasing operations (requests, proposals, evaluations, orders, budgeting, contracts), in order to determine and apply trade and business strategies;
  • to inform authorities as required by legislation;
  • when hosting events;
  • for finance and/or accounting and for tracking legal affairs including lawsuits and enforcement proceedings.

The said data is processed in relation with the legal reasons below:

  • Fulfillment of the legal obligation,
  • Legitimate interests

PwC Turkey's fulfillment of legal obligations arising from relevant legislation; provided that the fundamental rights and freedoms of the person concerned are not violated, it processes personal data to manage and improve its business activities and services, and to protect its legitimate interests.

2. Security, quality and risk management activities

PwC Turkey has security measures to protect both its own data and its clients’ data(including personal data). These are to identify, investigate and resolve security threats. Personal data can be processed as part of the security monitoring undertaken, automatic scans to detect harmful e-mails, etc. realizable. Services provided to customers for the purpose of improving service quality are monitored, including the processing of personal data kept in the relevant client file. There are policies and procedures implemented to manage risks related to client contracts and to monitor the quality of services.

PwC Turkey processes data as part of customer contracts and admission procedurs. As part of the procedures implemented under the legislation on prevention of money laundering, there are procedures (political sanctions, judicial, official or other known issues related to company directors, etc.) that determine individuals and companies in the high-risk group, such as those with a known political influence. ) searches are made using publicly available sources to determine.

The said data is processed under particular legal grounds below:

  • stipulations in laws
  • legal obligations
  • legitimate interest

As long as network and information security is ensured, risks are managed, quality of service is checked and fundamental rights and freedoms of the relevant person are not harmed, when obligatory, PwC Turkey might need to process personal data to protect its legitimate interests, if stipulated in relevant laws or to establish, use or protect a right.

3. Complying with legal regulations and regulations of occupational organizations PwC Turkey is a member of

Like every professional service provider, PwC Turkey is subject to administrative and occupational obligations. To ensure compliance of services with said obligations, certain records need to be retained and these records include personal data.

PwC Turkey process personal data to carry out its occupational obligations (e.g. compliance with anti-money laundering regulations)

The said data is processed in compliance with the legal reasons below:

  • stipulations in laws
  • legal obligations

PwC The detailed information about the data operators(eg IT service providers)  used by PwC Turkey is explained and locations where the data processing takes place are described herein.

While providing services in accordance with the agreement with the customer, support is received from other institutions or organizations, if required by the project.

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