Visitors to PwC Turkey Offices

Visitor records

We request visitors of PwC Turkey offices to sign in at reception and to give their consent for processing their personal data and visitor records stored for the period stated in data destruction policy. Our visitor records stored with all technical and administrative security measures taken and only accessible on a need to know basis.

Name, surname and Turkish id number personal data of visitors of PwC Turkey offices are received to provide security for the building.

The personal data processed on the legal basis of the Article 5 of the Law as “it is necessary for the legal obligation of the Data controller’’.

The personal data can be transferred to the judicial authorities or related law enforcers to resolve legal disputes or their request in accordance with the legislation. Additionally the personal data are shared with the building management, other apartment owners of the building, security and service providers for office services on the basis of the legal reason of “it is necessary for the legitimate interest of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the person concerned”

Wireless Internet Network Introduced to Visitors

PwC Turkey monitors traffic on the guest WIFI networks using industry standard intrusion detection systems. This allows PwC Turkey to see limited information about a users network behaviours but will include being able to see at least the source and destination addresses the user is connecting from and to on the legal basis of the Article 5 of the Law as “it is necessary for the legal obligation of the Data controller’’.

PwC Turkey cannot inspect any encrypted web pages and therefore do not have access to any information (personal or otherwise) that the user might share via these web pages.

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