Better and faster decisions, due to getting greater insight and confidence from your data
More precise reporting & forecasting, with a better foundation for advanced analytics
Reduced business interruptions and data breach incidents from increased security and trust
Improved operational efficiency and buy-in at all levels from effective processes and vision
Reduced likelihood of reputational risk/financial penalty from being in breach of GDPR (KVKK)
Four Pillars of Data Governance:
Which enable both the commercial and compliance objectives of an organisation
Privacy & Ethics
Implementation of GDPR, the Data Protection Act and the upcoming enforcement of E-Privacy have shone a new light on Data Privacy
Areas of focus:
Governance of data protection
Data protection by design
Risk management
Individual’s rights
Data Sharing
Incident Management
Data Ethics
Poor data quality can easily contribute towards regulatory sanctions. It is essential to maintain good data quality to identify and communicate with customers.
Areas of focus:
Understanding your data
Data capture mechanisms
Data validation
Enables advanced analytics
Necessity of data
In order to protect your business, and indeed your data, effective security controls and mechanisms must be implemented to meet the expected industry standards
Areas of focus:
Investment in technology
Incident response
Data Governance maturity can only be truly realised where the processes and tools are fully embedded in the behaviours of the organisation’s People, in a sustainable manner.
Areas of focus:
Use case prioritisation
Operating Model
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