PwC and Signavio

PwC times the power of Signavio

Explore the Future of Process Optimization with Signavio's Intuitive Tools and Dive into a World of Enhanced Productivity and Innovation.

Catalyze Your Business Potential:

Overhaul Your Workflow Management to Increase Your Efficiency and Unleash the Power of Your Employees

Your Navigator to Transformative Process Management:

Discover the Simple and Efficient World of SAP Signavio to Unlock Your Businesses Potential for Innovation

Collaborate for Success:

Your Key to Streamlined Business Process Management and Process Mining.

Unearth Your Hidden Potential:

Discover the Underlying Potential of Your Businesses Processes with SAP Signavio. Propel Your Business to a New Era of Informed Decision Making.


Why use SAP Signavio?

Empower your business processes for success: Harness the simplicity of SAP Signavio to streamline and simulate your processes. Analyze and mine existing processes for optimizing your business. Create ownership of your processes for compliance, governance, digital transformation, and change management.

What are the challenges of process modelling?

Process modelling faces challenges such as capturing complex processes accurately, dealing with subjectivity, maintaining accuracy with outdated information, and addressing software limitations, while also needing effective communication, consistent notation, and integration with other systems. Overcoming these challenges requires clear strategies, responsible stakeholders, accurate data, and appropriate tools.

What are the challenges of process analysis?

Process analysis encounters challenges including incomplete or inaccurate data, subjectivity, complexity, and technological limitations with potential unintended consequences for stakeholders that are resistant to change. Organizational factors, time and resource constraints, defining success metrics, and selecting appropriate analysis techniques further impact the process. Addressing siloed thinking, balancing the detail and scope of the project, and ensuring continuous monitoring are also crucial for effective process analysis.

Signavio Modules/Capabilities

Process and Journey modelling

Signavio allows organizations to create visual representations of their processes and allows collaboration during and after the process design. Modelling and visualization help understanding complex processes, identifying bottlenecks, improving process transparency and designates process ownership. By simulating different scenarios, Signavio allows users to identify areas of improvement. 

  • Process Simulation: Signavio allows users to simulate different scenarios and make data-driven decisions. Creating a sandbox for the organization while changing or implementing new strategies.

  • Collaboration and Communication: Signavio enables teams to collaborate on process design and improvement. Different stakeholders can share their insights through the platform, conducive to a better understanding of the processes and an overall more comprehensive solutions due to ownership throughout the design and improvement solutions.

Process Mining and Optimization

 SAP Signavio allows organizations to analyze existing processes using process mining. Process mining technology collects data from the underlying ERP and operation systems to provide real-time visibility into how business processes are being run. This leads to a better understanding and thus more streamlined and efficient operations, reduced costs, and better resource allocation.

  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: The insights and analytics provided by Signavio support data-driven decision-making, leading to more informed choices.

Compliance and Governance

For regulatory requirements, Signavio can help ensure that processes adhere to compliance standards. It provides visibility into how processes are being executed and helps in maintaining governance.


Digital Transformation and Process Automation

For organizations undergoing digital transformation, understanding and optimizing processes become crucial. SAP Signavio can support these initiatives by providing insights into how processes can be digitized or automated. SAP Signavio can also automate certain business processes.

Process Management Tools


Süreç modelleme, iş süreçlerinin ve iş akışlarının görsel temsillerinin oluşturulmasını içerir.
Process Modeling:

Process modeling involves creating visual representations of business processes and workflows. It helps organizations document and analyze the sequence of steps, decisions, and interactions involved in completing tasks.  SAP Signavio allows organizations to model their business processes in BPMN 2.0.

Neden BPMN 2.0?
Why BPMN 2.0?

BPMN 2.0 is an simple and powerful tool for depicting organizational structures and responsibilities. Its intuitive representation using pools and swimming lanes makes it accessible to both experienced and novice users. Logical categorization of events, activities, and gateways promotes efficient adoption.

Yol Haritası Modelleme:
Journey Modeling:

Journey modeling focuses on visualizing the end-to-end experience of a customer, user, or stakeholder as they interact with an organization's products, services, or processes. It provides insights into the various touchpoints and interactions that a person has throughout their journey, from initial contact to achieving their goals or outcomes.

Why Use Process Simulation?


Simulation allows organizations to test various scenarios and hypothetical situations without affecting real operations. This helps in understanding the potential impact of different decisions, strategies, or changes before they are implemented.

Senorya Testi

Simulating processes helps identify potential bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and risks. By running simulations, organizations can uncover vulnerabilities and develop strategies to mitigate them.

Risk Değerlendirmesi

Through simulation, businesses can analyze and identify process bottlenecks, resource constraints, and other factors that hinder efficiency. This information guides optimization efforts to streamline processes and allocate resources more effectively.

Performans Optimizasyonu

Simulation assists in the optimal allocation of resources, such as personnel, equipment, and time. This results in improved resource utilization and reduced costs.

Kaynak planlama

By simulating processes, organizations can experiment with process changes and improvements without disrupting real operations. This iterative approach accelerates the identification of enhancements that lead to increased efficiency and effectiveness.

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Cem Aracı

Cem Aracı

Digital Services Leader, PwC Türkiye

Tel: +90 212 326 6840

Ali Bedirhanoğlu

Ali Bedirhanoğlu

ERP Transformation, Partner, PwC Türkiye

Tel: +90 212 326 6887

Keremcan Coşar

Keremcan Coşar

ERP Transformation, Senior Manager, PwC Türkiye

Tel: +90 212 376 6042

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