The power to make data-based insights is changing the way organizations make better decisions and utilize the talents of their employees. The use of better data, on topics like today’s strategic workforce planning, employee productivity, talent management, employee engagement and retention practices, performance management, agility and mobility; is becoming very essential for decisions to be taken. Organisations that eliminate uncertainties by using human resource analytics and see a clear picture of both employee and company needs are getting closer to success. HR Analytics, enables better management of human risks, smarter matching of employees to tasks, more efficient and more cost-effective processes by removing conjectures on important decisions to be taken regarding the workforce.
As the PwC Human Resources Consultancy, we help our clients understand their strengths and constraints of their workforce and functional performance, first by understanding their requests and then using our experience to identify current and future challenges:
Problems our clients face usually include the following:
CEO’s say that in the current situation their organization use data analytics to find and retain the right people.
Source: PwC’s 20th CEO Survey
The respondents indicated that creating or maturing your own HR analytics is a strategic priority.
Source: 2015 PwC Saratoga Benchmarks
The respondents said the biggest barrier against successfully creating workforce reports and analytics is “the existence of multiple non-integrated human and organizational data sources”
Source: 2015 PwC Saratoga Benchmarks
Only %6 of the respondents expressed their satisfaction with their workforce data quality.
Source: 2015 PwC Saratoga Benchmarks
Our Human Resources Consulting team offers a wide range of services to help organizations make the most of workforce data:
We can help you realize your potential by using the power of data driven insights so you can make the most out of your employees and add more value to your business. While providing our services we aim for you to reach the right data, to create insights in line with this data for the decision phase and to reach an effective reporting system: