Employment Incentive Consultancy

There are many SSI premium incentives supports targeting sectors, regions, investments, research and development activities, employment of disabled, youth and women that enable companies to save on insurance premiums they will pay to SSI.

According to the economic developments, new incentives are being implemented. Especially in the last period, with the cancellation of benefitting from incentives retrospectively, it has become quite critical and important to determine the incentives that provide the most favorable and optimum benefit in the current period and to benefit from them, in order to reduce the labor costs of the enterprises and increase the competitiveness. With the “PwC SSI Incentive Robot” developed by PwC expert teams, premium incentives that provide optimum benefits for employers are determined and reported. 

With our professional team, PwC Turkey provides assistance related to:

  • Analysis of whether the current SSI incentives are fully and correctly utilized,

  • Creating employment incentive strategies appropriate for the workplace,

  • Benefiting from multiple incentives,

  • Analyzing the risks on SSI incentives and giving opinions,

Employment Incentive Consultancy

Contact us

Celal Özcan

Celal Özcan

Social Security Services, Director, PwC Türkiye

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