Sales, After-Sales and Marketing

We ensure it is underpinned by Analytics and Experience Design to build differentiated experiences and value capture that align with your core brand promise and strategy.

Stratejik Yönlendirme ve Planlama

Strategic Direction and Planning

PwC offers a strategic approach to transforming businesses' commercial operations. This consulting service involves analyzing existing processes, defining future objectives, and reshaping business strategies in alignment with these goals. PwC's experienced consultants provide guidance on the necessary steps for clients and assist businesses in achieving sustainable growth.


Dijital Dönüşüm ve Teknoloji Entegrasyonu

Digital Transformation and Technology Integration

Commercial operations transformation is closely linked with technology and digital transformation. PwC provides guidance to businesses in their journey towards digitalization and assists in selecting, integrating, and managing the most suitable technologies. This is of critical importance to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and improve the customer experience.


Performans İyileştirme ve Risk Yönetimi

Performance Improvement and Risk Management

During the commercial operations transformation, businesses can enhance their performance by making their processes more efficient. PwC analyzes business processes, identifies critical performance indicators, and provides recommendations for improving these indicators. Simultaneously, it identifies the risks that businesses may face and develops strategies for managing these risks. This enables businesses to become more competitive and supports sustainable growth.


"PwC Commercial Operations Transformation Consulting" is a comprehensive consultancy service that assists businesses in becoming more competitive, efficient, and innovative, and the three main points mentioned above reflect the key components of this service.

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Serkan Tarmur

Serkan Tarmur

Advisory Services Leader, PwC Türkiye

Tel: +90 212 376 5302

Yiğit  Arslan

Yiğit Arslan

Advisory Services Partner, PwC Türkiye

Tel: +90 212 376 5365

Hasan Dursun

Hasan Dursun

Advisory Services Partner, PwC Türkiye

Tel: +90 212 326 5365

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