Competitive Manufacturing

We help clients:
  • Drive competitive advantage by developing global manufacturing strategy that supports and influences the business strategy
  • Take a market-back view of what manufacturing needs to do well
  • Make the right choices about make/buy, manufacturing technology, plant footprint (scale, scope, number of plants, locations)
  • Break down silos to truly optimize the end-to-end global value chain, not just the manufacturing footprint
  • Define the right operating system that is required to run, manage, and change manufacturing

Common client issues

  • Lack of clarity on how manufacturing can be used as a competitive weapon
  • Outdated manufacturing footprint that is out of synch with business and market changes
  • Intense pricing pressure from competitors
  • Fragmented manufacturing network with low utilization
  • Uncompetitive service levels
  • Prevalence of numerous tools and CI methodologies with no consistent method of operating the facilities and managing the network
  • Poor implementation due to lack of experience and sub-par program management

What we do

  • Make vs. Buy
  • Manufacturing Strategy
  • Manufacturing Operating System
  • Manufacturing Implementation

What we do differently

  • Strong linkage between capability-driven business strategy and manufacturing
  • Deep understanding of manufacturing ecosystem economics
  • Unique approach and unparalleled experience driving global manufacturing and supply chain programs
  • Unparalleled ability to drive decision making to a net profit level, including tax implications

Client benefits

  • Manufacturing strategy that bolsters business strategy and growth
  • Improved profitability
  • Competitively-advantaged capability with superior flexibility and service levels
  • Fact-based understanding of fundamental economics and trade-offs to guide decisions
  • Advantaged footprint that meets current needs and is robust enough to meet future undefined needs
  • Focus on manufacturing technology strategy and competency development
  • Customized manufacturing operating system to run, manage, and change manufacturing to meet business goals

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Contact us

Serkan Tarmur

Serkan Tarmur

Advisory Services Leader, PwC Türkiye

Tel: +90 212 376 5302

İsmail Karakış

İsmail Karakış

Supply Chain Leader, PwC Türkiye

Tel: +90 212 326 5365

Tolga Baloğlu

Tolga Baloğlu

Advisory Services Partner, PwC Türkiye

Tel: +90 212 376 5365

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